Dark Neck can be quite annoying but it’s not something you can’t get rid of!
Prolonged sun exposure, pollutants, accumulation of dead skin cells, and excessive usage of chemically loaded products can make the neck area darker. While we all pamper our skin, hands, and feet but the neck is the most neglected body part and that poor hygiene and negligence lead to the darker neck. If that’s what you’re struggling with, you have hit the right spot.
In this feed, we have compiled 4 DIY home solutions that are effective on the concern and light on your pocket. All the ingredients are readily available in your kitchen shelves. So, let’s get started!
Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)
Apple cider vinegar is infused with Malic Acid that is known to be a natural exfoliator and helps to remove the dead skin layer and also balances the natural pH balance of the skin.
To make this DIY remedy all you have to do is-
• Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and add 4 tablespoons of water to it (Apple cider vinegar is always to be used in the diluted form).
• With the help of a cotton ball, apply this to the neck area and keep it for about 15 minutes.
• Rinse it off with water and apply a thick layer of moisturizer over it.
Follow these steps every alternate day and for about two months.
Baking Soda
Baking soda is a great natural exfoliator and helps to remove dirt and dead skin cells accumulated on the skin. It also nourishes the skin and stimulates blood circulation.
All you have to do is to-
• Take about three tablespoons of baking soda and add water to make a thick paste out of it.
• Apply it over the area and keep it for about 20 minutes.
• Rinse with cold water and moisturize well.
To achieve the desired results, you have to follow the steps every twice a week and continuously for about 2 months.
Turmeric + Lemon
Turmeric is another powerful lightener that lightens dark areas of your body. And, lemon is a natural bleaching agent that is great to remove darkness.
To make this paste, all you have to do is-
• Take one tablespoon of turmeric powder and add one tablespoon of lemon juice to it.
• Make a thick paste out of the mixture.
• Apply it over the affected area and keep it for about 15 minutes.
• Rinse it off with cold water and repeat it every twice a week for about 2 months to get the desired results.
Yogurt + Lemon
Yogurt is infused with enzymes that help in removing dirt and dead skin cells. It also helps in lightening the dark area and controls the growth of Melanin in the skin. And, we all know how effective lemon is.
To make this DIY pack, all you have to do is-
• Take two tablespoons of yogurt and add one tablespoon of lemon juice to it.
• Apply it over the affected area and keep it for about 20 minutes.
• Rinse it off with cold water and repeat it twice a week for about 2 months.
To see desired results, make sure you’re consistent with the DIY remedy (you choose). Nothing gives you overnight results. Also, make sure you apply SPF over the neck area before stepping out in the sun.
So, these are effective DIY solutions to treat the concern of the dark neck. We hope the feed turns out to be a great help!