While it is always difficult to manage dry skin during winter but it’s not easy to either manage the oily skin. You may feel your skin turning dry but your sebaceous glands are doing the job of producing the excess oil so you need to be even more careful in taking care of your oily skin during winter.
Winter has always been the time of providing your skin enough nourishment and thus we use heavy cold creams that not only make your skin oily later but also clog your pores.
In this feed, we have compiled 5 tips that will help you take care of your oily skin during winter. So, let’s get started!
Don’t use Too Heavy Moisturizers
We know your skin needs that extra hydration during winter but for that, you don’t have to use heavy cold creams instead use the regular light-weight moisturizers that you usually use.
Heavy cold creams make your skin super oily and also clog your pores thus you should avoid using cold creams. Instead, you should focus on using night creams that help in keeping your skin nourished and supple throughout the season relieving seasonal dryness.
Exfoliate Your Skin Less Often
You have to exfoliate your oily skin throughout the year no matter even if it’s the driest season of the year. During winter you don’t have to skip exfoliation but have to reduce the frequency of it. For instance, if you exfoliate your skin once a week, you can do it once every twice a week.
Over-exfoliation can dry out your skin and during winter if you over-exfoliate your skin it would just exaggerate the dryness. Thus, make sure you keep your exfoliator on the shelf but use it less often in winter.
SPF Is A Must
We don’t think so we need to tell you how important it is to apply an SPF regularly. We all know the drill, right?
For oily skin, water-based SPF works the best. It’s light-weight and thus won’t clog your pores. And, since it’s wintertime where we love to spend more time in the sun we don’t want the SPF to make our skin turn out to be super oily thus you should always use a water-based sunscreen.
When it comes to the application of an SPF, it should be the last step in your skincare regime.
Drink Enough Water
One thing that suffers the most during winter is our habit of drinking water. During summer we still manage to drink the required amount but during winter it’s just not possible.
Drinking water is really important for not only your skin but also for your overall health, thus make sure you never skip drinking water.
Drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water is mandatory for you to maintain healthy and glowy skin. Also, add nuts and dry fruits to your winter diet that will help you get glowing skin during the season besides various health benefits.
Never Wash Your Face In Hot Water
You should always manage the temperature of water you’re washing your face in. Winter season can tempt you to wash your face with hot water but it will damage your skin making it super dry and irritated.
Thus, make sure you wash your face in cold water or lukewarm water only.
So, these are the 5 oily skincare tips that you should follow during the winter season. We hope the feed turns out to be a great help! And, we wish you have the best skin this winter season!