We have read numerous articles and watched plenty of videos explaining how to make your small and tiny eyes look bigger, but when it comes to looking for tips on how you can make your bulbous eyes appear smaller, you would rarely find any pertinent information. While making your bigger eyes look smaller might not be as common as making your smaller eyes look bigger, it most definitely is a thing, and there are so many girls out there that are still seeking ways to make their eyes appear smaller and deeper. If you happen to be one of those girls, you have stumbled upon the right place.
Although any girl with small eyes would kill to have bigger eyes like you, there are some days when you don’t want your eyes to look their usual self and want them to appear deeper and smaller, and that’s fine. We have rounded up a list of some incredible tips for you that will help in making your eyes appear smaller.
Groom your brows
The way your brows are groomed can make such a huge difference to your entire look, and they, most particularly, help in accentuating your eyes, therefore, you should groom them the right way. The only way to draw attention away from your eyes is by keeping the brows bolder. You can fill in your brows using a brow gel or brow pencil, and if you are using a brow pencil, make sure to keep a spoolie handy.
Go for tightlining
Tightlining your eyes is easily one of the best ways to make your overtly big eyes look small. In case if you aren’t familiar with the term tightlining, it is a technique that involves lining the upper waterline that subtly defines your eyes and makes it look more attractive. While tightlining is a great technique for every person, it specifically works incredibly well for people with bigger eyes as it helps in making the eyes look deeper and smaller. Tightlining also gives an illusion of fuller lashes, and that automatically makes the eyes look deeper.
Use a dark eyeshadow
If you enjoy creating different eye makeup looks, this trick would work incredibly well for you. Instead of using any light eyeshadow, pick a dark brown shade from the palette and apply it nicely to the outer corner of the eyes while blending it inwards. Using a dark eyeshadow on the outer corners keep the light from reflecting off the surface, which automatically makes your eyes look smaller. You can use any dark eyeshadow, but brown shades would help in delivering the desired results more effectively.
Try cat-eye look
The struggle to make your bigger eyes look more almond-shape ends here. If you have always wanted to try a cat-eye, this is your chance to experiment with this look. Basically, the longer the wing is, the deeper your eyes would look. Instead of applying the liner in your usual way, extend the liner outwards, and create a nice and even wing on both sides to add some depth to your eyes. A cat-eye would look especially stunning when heading out to a party or night out.
Coat your lower lashes with mascara
All this while we have heard how mascara can help you open up your eyes and make it look wide and bigger, as it turns out, mascara can also help in making your eyes look smaller? Don’t believe us? It’s a fact; however, the only difference between the two techniques is you will have to apply mascara on your lower lashes and not on upper lashes to make your eyes look smaller. Coating the lower lashes with mascara reduce the lid height, thereby, making the eyes look smaller.