The skin around your eyes is much thinner than the rest of your face, and considering how sensitive and delicate this area is, you ought to be a lot more careful when using skincare products or applying your makeup as all that tugging and pulling can cause your skin to develop signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles. The skin around your eyes needs an extra amount of care and attention in order to keep it looking healthy and fresh. The most shocking thing to know is this area remains the most ignored part of your face, hence, the skin around your eyes is one of the first places to develop signs of aging, therefore, you shouldn’t take things very lightly.
The products meant for your face don’t work as effectively for your eyes as eye products do. Not investing in eye creams or other products can easily result in the occurrence of dark circles, puffy eyes, and even excessive dryness around the eyes. Aside from investing in certain products, it’s also important to know what’s causing your skin to get dry around the eyes. To make things easier for you, we have listed a few reasons that might be causing the skin around your eyes to look dry.
Using harsh ingredients
Some skincare products are known to contain harsh ingredients, and one such product is a makeup remover. Using makeup removers that are formulated with harsh chemicals can draw out the moisture from the skin around your eyes, leaving the area extremely dry. Therefore, you should either use micellar water, or you can use a makeup remover with a gentle formula to get rid of makeup.
Not protecting your eyes from the sun
Sun exposure can be pretty damaging for your skin. The sun radiates harmful UV rays that can easily kill or damage the skin cells. Sunscreen is formulated for a reason, and you should never skimp on using it even if you plan on staying at home. Aside from applying sunscreen to every exposed area of your body including your face, you should also offer extra protection to your eyes by wearing sunglasses to keep the skin from getting damaged in the sun.
Seasonal changes
Change in weather can easily take a toll on the skin around your eyes, especially if you are transitioning from hot, sweaty summer to dry and chilling winter. You should pay extra attention to the area around your eyes during winter and make sure it remains well hydrated throughout the day. You can look for products that contain hyaluronic acid as they help in locking in the moisture into the skin. Keeping the under-eye area well hydrated will keep issues like dark circles and dullness at bay.
Eczema is a common skin condition; it causes your skin to become dry, itchy, cracked, and inflamed. The skin around your eyes is the most common place to develop eczema, since the skin tends to be very delicate and thin. Using skincare products that contain artificial fragrance will only aggravate the condition, therefore, you should use aloe vera to hydrate the under-eye area and make it feel moisturized.
You rub your eyes excessively
If you have a habit of constantly rubbing your eyes, you should stop doing that right now. Rubbing your eyes excessively can easily damage the delicate skin and may also result in excessive dryness. Therefore, you should never rub your eyes, no matter how tempted you feel. If your eyes feel too itchy, you can splash cold water to calm them. Additionally, excessive rubbing of eyes can result in the occurrence of fine lines and wrinkles.