Learn about different types of face serums

Face serums have become an imperative part of the skincare routine. While face serums have been around for quite a long time, it was only recently they got popular and became beauty enthusiast’s one of the favorite products. The potent ingredients that are used for formulating these face serums are believed to deliver amazing results, and for that reason, skincare enthusiasts swear by this product. The increased popularity of face serums can be attributed to their ability to target specific skin issues and deliver the claimed results. There are so many benefits of including a face serum in your beauty routine. And just like any other product, face serums come in a range of options that vary in formulation and benefits. Depending on the skin issues you are aiming to target, you can pick a face serum accordingly. We have put together a list of 5 different types of face serums to help you find out which one is the right pick for you.

Vitamin C face serum

Vitamin C-infused face serum is easily one of the most popular face serums. It is an excellent source of antioxidants that has endless benefits to offer to your skin. From combating free radical damage and environmental stressors to targeting issues like acne, blemishes, and sunspots, vitamin C face serum can help your skin in plenty of ways. This serum works the best when it’s applied before bedtime as it helps in rejuvenating and brightening the skin while you are asleep, which also reduces the chances of premature aging.

Brightening face serums

The composition of brightening face serums can differ from one another. Some serums are made using just one extract or molecule, and the other few are made using a combination of different extracts and molecules, you can pick the one that is suitable for your skin type and addresses the targeted issues. The combination of vitamin C, vitamin E, lactic acid, and a few other components helps in adding a brightening effect to your skin by decreasing melanin production. Using this face serum regularly will also help you with other issues like freckles, sunspots, tanned skin, etc.

Retinol face serums

Retinol face serums are mostly used as an anti-aging staple by women of a certain age group. Considering it is derived from vitamin A, the serum helps in treating fine lines and wrinkles pretty effectively. The concentration of retinol face serums can vary, and you should initially take it slow when using a retinol face serum before increasing its application. Your skin takes some time to get used to this retinol serum, and once it has become habitual of it, you can increase its application, hence, the late results.

Hyaluronic acid face serums

Hyaluronic acid face serums are packed with hydrating and moisturizing properties. The serum is extremely lightweight, which makes it easier for the serum to penetrate deeper into the skin, leaving it all plumped up. It is an excellent product for those who have dull and wrinkled skin, as it helps to deliver an extra boost of hydration to the skin. In addition to working as an excellent moisturizer, the hyaluronic acid serum also helps in giving your face a fresh, dewy, and glowing complexion.

Botanical extracts or plant-based face serums

As the name suggests, these serums are composed using plants and botanical extracts. They are often made using ingredients like chia seeds, glycolic acid, green tea, and vitamin C. Face serums composed using botanical extracts offer more advantages than others. Since these serums contain a few chemicals only, they react less on the skin.

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