The Correct Way To Use Retinol In Your Skincare Regime

If you’re thinking of adding retinol to your skincare regime or thinking of giving it a try, this feed would be a real help!
There are endless positive benefits of using retinol but despite the infinite number of perks, if not used properly there are also some banes associated with retinol.
Retinol is the cure for large number of skin issues and is a great addition to your skincare regime but before actually using it on the skin; you should know the correct way of using retinol.
In this feed, we have compiled everything you need to know before using retinol. So, let’s get started!

Start In Your Twenties

We would suggest you add retinol to your skincare regime in the twenties. Retinol is a great anti-aging ingredient and the best time to introduce this to your skin is when you’re in the twenties.
When you’re in the twenties the skin goes through a lot of changes and if not prepared well, it might lead to premature aging. Thus, if you really want to take the maximum benefits of retinol start using it in the twenties. Retinol in the twenties will give you perfect skin in fifties.

Start Slowly

Retinol is a very powerful ingredient thus you need to careful of how much you’re applying. Introduce retinol slowly to your skincare. When using retinol it’s important to start with the lower concentration and builds the skin’s resistance towards it.
If you’ll start with a higher concentration you might irritate and dry out your skin. Even if you’re using a lower percentage, initially apply it twice a week and then after a couple of usage increase the usage to three days a week and gradually you’re skin will get used to it without causing any irritation to the skin.

SPF Is A Must

While you’re using retinol, applying SPF is a must. Retinol increases photosensitivity and thus becomes very important to apply SPF before stepping out in the sun. Also, the UV rays reduce the efficacy of retinol thus SPF is an absolute must.
And, avoid a prolonged stay in the sun in the initial days of retinol. Another important thing to keep in mind is to always use retinol in pm and avoid applying it in the morning. Take a few drops and apply it to your face and neck don’t forget your neck when applying SPF.

Various Formulations Of Retinol

Retinol comes in various formulations such as gels, oils, and creams and you should choose according to your skin type otherwise you might face irritation. If you are a dry skin prefer using retinol in the form of oils or creams, if you’re acne-prone skin retinol in the form of gels would be best and the same goes for the oily skin. However, there are a few brands that produce retinol in the oil form and the oil doesn’t clog the pores. So, make sure you go through the formulation, refer to various reviews, and patch test before actually using it on the face.


While using retinol you might notice some of the side-effects but it’s nothing to worry about as it’s normal to experience these side effects as the skin is adapting to such a powerful concentration.
Some of the common side-effects include
• Drying
• Redness or irritation
• Peeling
• Purging
• Itching
• Scaling

So, these are a few things you need to know before actually using retinol. We hope the feed turns out to be a great help and you keep all this in mind while using retinol.

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