Tips to deal with weather-related skin irritation

When you transition from one season to another, although it’s quite relieving and exciting, your skin doesn’t exactly get the same idea, and it can often be left irritated. It takes some time for your skin to get adjusted with the new weather conditions and act accordingly, but that transition in between two seasons often leaves your skin a bit confused, and it ends up acting up, which further opens the invitation for other skin problems. Since winter is just around the corner and we are slowly heading towards the colder months of the year, this slow transition from sweaty and hot summer to dry winter can easily take a toll on your skin. Even the slight dip in the temperature can cause your skin to act up, which often results in skin irritation and dryness. Not being able to adjust to the change in weather causes your skin to act a certain way, but you can easily prevent that from happening, yes! You heard it right. It’s very much possible to keep your skin from getting irritated or dry while the weather transitions. Wondering how? Take a look at the article below and find out all the amazing tips you can use to deal with weather-related skin irritation.

Cut down the shower time

As much as you enjoying take hot showers on days when it’s cold outside, we would suggest cutting down the shower time to keep your skin from getting drier. While hot showers can be pretty relaxing and calming, they can also strip your skin of its natural oils, leaving the skin extremely rough and dry. There are two things you can do in this case, you can either start taking bath with lukewarm water (which is the most ideal option), or you can choose to cut down your hot shower time to 10 minutes. Additionally, you can also include a nourishing body wash in your routine to keep your skin well-nourished.

Use a moisturizer on damp skin

Applying moisturizer to your skin is something you should never miss or skip, regardless of the skin type. And the best way to ensure that it gets absorbed into the skin and keeps your skin hydrated throughout the day is by applying it on the damp skin. The second you step out of the shower, apply a moisturizer on your face and the rest of the body. Using this trick will make sure that the product gets absorbed by the skin pretty easily and, it also helps the moisturizer to seal in the hydration.

Include a serum in your routine

Although adding a serum to your routine might not seem necessary to you, it’s the wisest thing to do, granting how beneficial this product can prove for your skin. Thick and rich creams aren’t readily absorbed by the skin, they take their own sweet time, but that’s not the case with serums. Facial serums not only penetrate deeper into the layers of the skin, but they also deliver long-lasting hydration to the skin. You can look for a serum that works for your skin type and also addresses your skin issues.

Wear clothes in the right fabric

Whether you believe it or not, your clothes can also be one of the root causes of skin irritation. Considering the evenings have started to feel a bit colder, you may have already started preparing your wardrobe for the upcoming season. Some fabrics in your collection can be a cause of skin irritation, and it’s best if your steer clear of them. Some fabrics like blended cotton, rayon, and corduroy can easily trigger an allergic reaction; therefore, you should avoid wearing them and instead look for natural fabrics to reduce the chances of skin irritation.

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